P. 9

The most distinctive feature of Castlewood
               play group is the crenelated balconies. As
               the goal  and award of  the play  narrative,
               balconies  always present  the destination
               At the same time, another goal  of the
               narrative is to provide feelings of leadership
               and  self-confidence  in  the  experience  of
               the king’s speech on the balcony.

 trapezoid  thick   rivers  arches  ravens           sharp

 roofs  secret  fancy                               conical
 gates  columns  medieval   sorcerers
 long     items                            flag        roofs
 bridges  foggy  barrels  defoliated

 wheather  royalty  dark grey  trees                leather
 yellowish  colours                   pots         jew bag

 lights  king’s speech  helmet
 on balcony    horse         charms          a bit snowy
 chandelier  crown  axes  carts  swords         mountains

 dragons  big heavy   knights on and shields

 and big chains  armors  horses                       arches
 medallion                  bow              underneath
 big dark  parchment  cliffs                  the bridges
 green  with a ribbon  throıne  and arrow

 pine trees  torches          cannons           dungeons
 ivies around                                and arenas

 gladiators  the castle  and pennants  dirty green

 flask  spears  french braid  grass cover           spiral
 cloak with  haired women  on the stones
 a hoodie  profhecies                               stairs

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