P. 4
How does tHe Project Process work?
Before each project we work with universities and research
companies to collect data and conduct targeting studies
to determine what we can do for public health and how
we can integrate such benefits into our design. Thereafter,
in case any revisions is deemed necessary in following
stages we review the project is revised accordingly.
After the general lines of the project are determined according to the collected data
and client demands, it is further developed by our Industrial Designers and shaped in 3
Dimensional Modelling phases. If there is any need for revision at this stage the project
is revised. Covering a long process, this initial stage constitutes the most important
foundational steps for further phases of the project.
After design and engineering details are determined the project progresses to the PRT
phase. For the first time products we always perform a prototype production. With an
internal order opened under the name of our team, essentially we are always the first
buyer of our own products. After completing technical controls on the prototype unit,
our projects are not deemed completed even after approval of our R&D and Production
Development teams including many experts.
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