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All our  teams proceed while
                                 working together with all disciplines,
                                 realizing  all phases of  design
                                 oriented thinking. In all our product
                                 design projects  where we set  out
                                 by perusing  academic  papers and
                                 conducting comprehensive research
                                 including   trend   analyses,   our
                                 designers determine the  concepts
                                 by  sketch  work,  setting  the  first
                                 depiction onto paper, and  then

                                                                             move on  to model work to  appreciate concepts
                                                                             like ergonomics, safety and visual integrity in three
                                                                             dimensions. Together with feedback, the works are
                                                                             transferred to CAD environment, where the project
                                                                             is realized in accord with production and technical
                                                                             details  working together  with engineers.  After
                                                                             prototyping  is  completed and necessary  controls
                                                                             and interventions are made for the first production
                                                                             of the created product,  installation  guides,
                                                                             technical  documents,  catalogue  visuals  and  field
                                                                             studies  are conducted  by  visualisation  experts
                                                                             and landscaping architects of our  team, before
                                                                             the product is finally presented to our customers.

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