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In   order   to   create                                        The  1st Cemer Dreams
                                              awareness, we organized                                         Come     True   National
                                              the  first  “Cemer  From                                        Design Competition, held
                                              Dream Come True”  with                                          in 2014, was held  under
                                              the slogan “Dream Come                                          two titles: the theme  of
                                              True”.                                                          Next Generation  Toys
                                                                                                              and the Group  of Sports
                                                                                                              Instruments  and Game
                                                                                                              Category. A  total of 74
                                                                                                              projects  participated in
                                                                                                              the competition.

         The  competition,  which                                                                   The  competition  with the theme
         was organized for the                                                                      of “Word Is  a Playground” was
         second time in 2016                                                                        moved to the international platform
         with the theme of Future                                                                   and  a  total of 412 projects,  357
         Playground,  was opened                                                                    domestic and 55 international, were
         to    the    participation                                                                 evaluated.  The award ceremony
         of   professionals   and                                                                   of the  competition  took place on
         students and participated                                                                  November 15, 2019, at Tüyap Palas
         in 129 projects.                                                                           Hotel, and  with the  participation
                                                                                                    of the protocol,  public  institutions,
                                                                                                    municipalities,  private customers,
                                                                                                    jury members, students, and many
                                                                                                    others, winners were awarded.

         The Dreams Come True Design Competition, which                                             mental  and physical  development
         was organized to  create healthy and sustainable                                           of today’s and tomorrow’s children
         playgrounds that revitalize social life, was held for the                                  for     BREATHING/BREATHABLE
         fourth time in 2020 and this competition consists of                                       LIVING SPACES. Apart from these
         two categories. The category of Area Design includes                                       two categories, under the  name
         the improvement of living spaces in the current and                                        of  Signed Designs,  there is  also  a
         designed  city,  increasing  environmental  value, and                                     special category where professional
         reconsidering depending on sustainability criteria. It                                     and clued-up  designers  who are
         is aimed  to design SUSTAINABLE  PLAYGROUNDS                                               specially invited by Cemer Urban
         for  BREATHING/BREATHABLE  LIVING  SPACES.                                                 Equipment will carry out their urban
         The category of  Product  Design aims  to  design                                          equipment series designs.
         GAME EQUIPMENT that will  contribute  to  the

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