P. 5

No project produced  by our  Design Centre
        enters production before being the subject of
        our Design Review Meeting process. In scope
        of these  meetings we  ask all contributing
        technical  members  to  come together and
        provide feedback regarding the contemplated
        questions.  During these phases we  keep  in
        continuous  contact  with our  client  and also
        take their revisions into account when finalising
                                          the project.

        Before our initial controlled production run we
        ensure data  control, sharing and publishing
        the project accordingly before forwarding
        the project to production. We place great
        importance in  the registrations,  patents  and
        awards we  acquire  in our  progress on the
        roadmap  of  production,  quality  and  benefit
        which forms the corporate infrastructure of our
        company. Efforts of our team lead to innovative
        ideas  during  the  Industrial  and  Mechanical
        Design processes  in scope of our  projects.
        Accordingly, we conduct  research on  Utility
        Models or Patents in scope of collaborations
                     undertaken in light of such ideas.

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