Page 4 - Demo
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                                    2 COMPANY PROFILE | 2025PROTOTYPE PRODUCTIONWe carry out all P&D activities in our production facility, which is completely connected to our Design Centre. We continue to improve ourselves every day. In an area of 1,800 square meters, all standard controls, mass production conformity controls and documentation controls are carried out before the new designs are turned into mass production. CemerFacilitiesADMINISTRATIVE BUILDINGOur administrative building is where the management activities of the institution or organization are carried out. Our sales and export unit is located in our administrative building.DESIGN CENTER OFFICEOur center, which has been a corporate member of WDO since 2021 and consists of a total team of 31 people with 23 designers, 7 technician, 1 support staff. 5 patents, 17 utility models, and the design registration of a total of 837 parts, 42 of which are abroad, have been obtained to date. WOOD WORD & RECYCLABLEMATERIAL PRODUCTION AREAIn our workshop where we can process any desired wood class with customisable material selection, we cut HDPE, HPL etc. materials with our CNC router machines. 
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